Questions about Psychotherapy

In this section you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How will I know if I should consider psychotherapy/counseling?

  • How can therapy help me?

  • Is psychotherapy effective?

  • What should I expect from psychotherapy/counseling?

  • How frequently will I meet my therapist?

  • How long does it take?

  • What might be expected of me?

Q: How will I know if I should consider psychotherapy/counseling?

A: Talking to a therapist can be useful if:

  • You feel stressed or anxious frequently and this affects your functioning at work, your relationships, your academic pursuits, or your daily activities

  • You feel sad, lonely, and hopeless more often than not and have negative thoughts that affect your sense of well being

  • You are experiencing mood swings that affect your relationships with others and your ability to function effectively and consistently

  • You have experienced some recent life events that have caused emotional distress

  • You are dealing with grief and loss and it is affecting your ability to move on in life

  • You are aware that experiences in the past have left a mark on your psyche and continue to affect your mood, sleep, relationships, and self esteem

  • You are dealing with ongoing conflict, anxiety, depression, eating problems, body image concerns or other issues that are affecting your life in significant ways

  • Your relationship with your partner is stressful and there are frequent conflicts or problems with intimacy

  • You want more from life and are not sure what is getting in your way

  • You do not fully understand yourself and this lack of understanding is getting in your way in terms of achieving life goals or in your spiritual path.


If you feel that you or your relationships are not functioning at full potential or there is distress, it may be time to talk to a psychotherapist. Call 732-319-9104 to make an appointment.


Q: How can therapy help me?

A: Psychotherapy provides a confidential non-judgmental space for emotional processing and can help to identify and address the causes of your difficulties and enhance the quality of your life.  Therapy can

  • Help you arrive at a greater and deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your environment

  • Provide a different perspective on the issues at hand

  • Help you develop of new and more effective set of life skills

  • Help you change long standing patterns that do not serve you anymore

  • Enhance your self-esteem, confidence, resilience, and well being

Psychotherapy is effective in addressing your mental health needs regarding:


  • Depression and anxiety

  • Stress

  • Personality conflicts

  • Relationship problems

  • Mental illness

  • Grief, loss, and trauma

  • Communication issues

  • Self understanding

  • Identity confusion

  • Anger related concerns

  • Adjustment problems

  • Family problems

  • Stress caused by care for children or the elderly

  • Workplace difficulties or professional concerns

  • School related problems or academic concerns

  • Adaptation to a new culture or environment


We will discuss your specific needs and develop an individualized action plan for you.


Q: Is psychotherapy effective?

A: There is a considerable literature indicating that psychotherapy can be helpful to most people. Different people report that they experience one or more of the following:

  • Relief from symptoms of depression, anxiety, mania, or other mental illness

  • Reduction in the harmful effects of stress and a better stress response

  • Better relationships

  • Improved self esteem

  • A deeper understanding of oneself, of others and one’ s life experiences

  • An improved ability to make considered choices that do not arise from compulsion and habit

  • A sense of hope

  • New skills to manage life’s ups and downs

It is important to remember that positive outcomes from the therapeutic process also require a commitment of time and effort on the part of the individuals involved.


Q. What should I expect from psychotherapy/counseling?

A: Different people use therapy in different ways and psychotherapy is individually designed to meet the needs of the person (s) seeking help. It is a collaborative process and, together, we will determine an effective action plan. For example, some people feel considerable relief by simply talking to someone who is non-judgmental and empathic about things they cannot disclose elsewhere. Some benefit from considering the different perspective that a trained professional may offer. Sometimes, the therapist can help people better understand their patterns of relating so that new and more adaptive ways of relating can be developed and practiced to improve life’s outcomes. At other times, people need help in better understanding their environment and need to learn new or different skills so that they can reach their full potential. Typically, after talking about the issues at hand in the first one or two meetings, you and I will develop an individualized roadmap for your treatment.


Q. How long does it take?

A. It is difficult to answer this question because psychotherapy is a process. The length of time needed to resolve your specific concerns depends on the nature of those concerns as well as your particular goals. Sometimes, problems are well defined and contained, and short term therapy is indicated. At other times, complex issues may be involved and the issues will take somewhat longer to address. You and I will be in constant communication regarding your progress and we will jointly set a termination date when you feel that you have reached your goals.


Q. How frequently will I see my therapist?

A. Again, it is difficult to predict the frequency of the therapy sessions a priori, and you and I will jointly decide the best plan for your needs. It is customary for sessions to occur on a weekly basis in order to balance the continuity of treatment and other needs people may have. However, sometimes people find it beneficial to attend two or more sessions a week.


Q. What will be expected of me?

A. It is important for you to feel a sense of trust and confidence in your therapist so that you can be open and honest as you deal with the difficulties that you wish to address and explore. Therapy is a collaborative venture and I am committed to meeting your needs in the most efficacious way. It is very important to give the therapist feedback if you feel that you are not understood, or if the therapist has made a mistake, or if you need something different from the treatment. The therapist may also give you feedback regarding your engagement, responses, or progress.

Jointly, we will make decisions about the best way to proceed. There are times when I may suggest some reading or other activities to do outside the therapy session. In addition, I may refer you to a psychiatrist for medication consultation, or suggest other supportive treatments in conjunction with therapy.


Making an appointment is easy. Call me at 732-319-9104 or send me an email.