
About Dr. McLean

I am a clinical psychologist licensed in NJ. I am in full time private practice and I am also a visiting faculty at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University. I provide training for mental health clinicians and agencies as well as other service agencies on issues of cultural competency and diversity.

I obtained a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University and I have been a practicing clinician for over 15 years. I was psychodynamically trained but, over the years, I have received training in therapies that use attachment theory as a base, in particular, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) for individuals and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples. I have also been trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Experiential therapies such as Focusing, Short term therapies, and Mindfulness based practices. I incorporate these learnings into my work, depending on the needs of those with whom I am working.

Over the years, in addition to my private practice where I provide psychotherapy to individuals and couples, I have also engaged in a number of other professional activities. These include:

  • Teaching and supervision at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University

  • Working at Princeton University Counseling and Psychological Services as a senior staff psychologist and supervisor as well as in various capacities including Training coordinator, Urgent Care coordinator and Director of the Service

  • Working at the counseling service at Rutgers University as a staff psychologist and supervisor

  • Providing training to staff at agencies such as public libraries and community centers

  • Conducting cultural competency trainings and diversity workshops for mental health care providers, agencies, and organizations throughout the state of NJ. These have been sponsored by organizations such as the Multicultural family Institute, UMD-NJ, NAMI-NJ, Boggs Center for Disabilities, and United Way

  • Presentations at professional meetings and conferences

I was born in India and have lived in the US for about 30 years. I am conversant with the South Asian culture of my heritage and the Western culture of my adopted country and have an interest in understanding how cultural imperatives affect our lives. I am interested in issues of identity across the lifespan and the impact of immigration, bi and multilingualism, multicultural experiences, ethnicity, gender identity, spirituality, music, art, and other aspects of creativity on our sense of self, our happiness, and sense of fulfillment. In addition to my training in clinical psychology, I also obtained a doctorate in Economics from Rutgers University and was a professor for several years.